Standard Warranty
Motorola Solutions 446 Equipment
Motorola Solutions Business and Consumer 446 products come with a standard 12 month warranty for electrical failure. Please note this does not cover physical damage of any kind. Faulty radios must be returned to XEVA by the Dealer at Dealer cost and XEVA will return warranty complete radios to the Dealer free of charge.
Radios with physical damage, that are within the warranty period, can be returned to XEVA and will be investigated, with a decision made on whether to provide a repair quotation (missing knob etc) or to reject as ‘beyond economical repair’. 'Beyond economical repair' will require a new radio to be purchased if a replacement is needed. Any new radio supplied would be on a normal priced sales order. The faulty radio would be disposed of by XEVA. XEVA are not offering a repair service for 446 radios outside of the warranty period but can provide limited spare parts. Please enquire for these.
Motorola Solutions Commercial Tier & Analogue Equipment
- All Motorola Solutions analogue and Commercial Tier* radios are supplied with a 12 or 24 month manufacturer’s warranty depending on the model. Please search the relevant product pages to see the standard warranty available on each product.
*Please note the Commercial Tier refers to the radios that have been rebranded from the Vertex Standard to the Motorola Solutions portfolio.
Motorola Solutions PCR Equipment
- All Motorola Solutions PCR radios are supplied with a 24 month manufacturer’s warranty as standard. Please search the relevant product pages to see the standard warranty available on each product.
Digital and analogue Motorola accessories (including batteries supplied with radios) have a 12 months manufacturer’s warranty, with the exception of Mag One accessories which have a six month manufacturer's warranty.
The standard Motorola warranty supplied with new equipment covers parts and labour on items returned to our Service Centre. Items returned for repair under warranty that are found not to be under warranty or that do not fall under a warranty repair category will be set aside and the Dealer notified.
There are enhanced and extended warranty options available when you purchase equipment from XEVA and which you can sell on to your customers. Please see the Extended Warranty options available.
Vertex Standard Equipment
- All Vertex Standard radios and accessories are supplied with at least a 12 month manufacturer’s warranty.
- Some Vertex Standard products have up to 2 year warranties as standard so please check the specific radio page for more information.
The Vertex Standard warranty supplied with new equipment covers parts and labour on items returned to our Service Centre. Items returned for repair under warranty that are found not to be under warranty or that do not fall under a warranty repair category will be set aside and the Dealer notified.
Kirisun Equipment
- All Kirisun radios are supplied with a 24 month manufacturer’s warranty.
- All Kirisun accessories, including batteries supplied with the radio, are supplied with a 12 month manufacturer's warranty.
The standard Kirisun warranty supplied with new equipment covers parts and labour on items returned to our Service Centre. Items returned for repair under warranty that are found not to be under warranty or that do not fall under a warranty repair category will be set aside and the Dealer notified.